Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts:

National Suicide Hotlines (U.S.): 1-800-SUICIDE (or 1-800-784-2433), also provides specific numbers for individuals that have certain needs or issues (e.g. Native Americans, LGBT youth, new moms, hearing/speech impaired, etc.) Please don’t hesitate to use these numbers. You are not alone.

Make Daisy Chains (aka Hannah Daisy): The creator of #BoringSelfcare on Instagram. She reminds people that are struggling that selfcare can be simply brushing one’s teeth, showering, getting a flu shot, etc.

Socks: Hear me out. When I am hurting and having a rough time, one of my simple pleasures—and a way that I engage in #BoringSelfcare—is taking a shower, putting on clean pajamas, and putting on the squishiest, comfiest, kookiest, and most colorful socks I have. I prefer cushioned Darn Tough socks in colorful patterns.